Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Luncheon!

We are very thankful to have such a wonderful and active Parent Engagement Group at our school! Today we experienced one of the highlights of our school year, as our Social Committee (led by April Valera and Kevin McConvey) and members of our parent community, put on an amazing luncheon in our staff room. This is a unique tradition to "The Ridge" and very much appreciated by our staff, who get an opportunity to spend some time together during our common lunch, enjoying casual conversations and a holiday meal together. On behalf of our staff I would like to express our collective thanks for being appreciated and recognized in such a kind and giving manner. As this month celebrates the "Gift of Giving", it is appropriate to pay tribute to our "ever-giving", staff and  parent community for all of their hard work in support of our students and our school. This opportunity at lunch today allowed us all to take pause and be thankful that we continue to enjoy everything that  "The Ridge Community" has to offer as we continue to serve our school and community with great pride!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Luncheon of Champions

This past Friday many of us had the pleasure of celebrating the achievements and successes of our students. The Luncheon of Champions is an event sponsored and organized by our Personal Career Services Team. Teaching staff nominate those students who have really made significant improvements or have made a special contribution in their classroom or who have made a significant achievement through their co-curricular involvement. This is a special occasion where teachers speak on behalf of our champions in a truly authentic and meaningful way. Their heartfelt messages serve as a continued motivation and inspiration for the students who are recognized. Our champions are accompanied by parents/caregivers and significant others who enjoy a lovely lunch together in celebration of their success. Students also receive certificates for their special achievements.Special thanks to Nancy Anstett, Melanie Spelman, Rachel Stecca, Kris Reeve and Georgina Cook (our dynamic and wonderful PCC Team!) for all of your hard work in organizing this event. Additional thanks to our office team (Jennifer Flynn, Susan Cutler and Jane Greenhill) and to our custodial team (David Willis and Joseph Lefresne) for your support behind the scenes. We hope to celebrate with more "champions" next semester as this is truly a special and memorable celebration for our students, staff, parents/significant others and our school!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Student Directed One-Act Plays "A Huge Success!"

Congratulations to our wonderful student actors who presented very intelligent, humourous and thought provoking, one-act plays, last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in our Don Marshall Theatre. "Nobody Famous", "The Apple" and "Mirror Mirror" were the performances selected by our talented casts and all three provided great entertainment for and reflection by a very appreciative audience. Student performers included: Laura Heyland, Maddie Ruton, Kassandra DiCosola, Masi Hamwi, Morgan Kingdon, Serena Schindell, Laura Smith, Kristen Oelke, Cheryl Tansony,Sara Anuseva, Manvir Brar, Emma Coates, Alex Coutin, Mike Cowley, Celine Goulart, Aleeza Ladhani, Hayley McDonald, Jacqueline Petitjean, Della Woodger, Lia Williamson, Maddie Rowe, Ryan Brock, Tessa Chalmers, Sean Coates, Madison Kilpatrick, Amanda McPherson, Angela Nethersole, Hayley Nethersole, Emily Richmond and Kaeylyn Schindell. Thanks to our AV crew: Kyle Hermann and Ryan Harvie and our "Front of the House" crew: Maddy Atherton, Alyssa Dryburgh and Christina Martini for your support of the performances. Special acknowledgement to April Valera, Anjay MacKenzie and Kevin McConvey for your coaching and mentorship of our student performers. Thanks also to our office team: Jennifer Flynn, Susan Cutler and Jane Greenhill for your behind the scenes support in ensuring three days of great performances and in addition, special thanks to Joe Lefresne and David Willis for looking after our theatre needs. Well done everyone!